The P, the P and the Holy P

Rajiv Chopra
3 min readApr 29, 2021
The Trinity of the Politician, The Prostitute and the Priest
Society’s Trinity ©Rajiv Chopra


There is a Holy Trinity that exists in the world of men and women. This goes by the three ‘P’s.

· The Prostitute

· The Politician

· The Priest

They all play a significant role in our lives. Ever since I was a young chap, I was told that prostitution is the second oldest profession in the world. Since those early, impressionable years, I often wondered what the oldest and third oldest professions are.

Many religions have a trinity — the Christians and Hindus each claim one. So, I figured, why not the actual world?

The Prostitute

A Prostitute’s Icon
The Prostitute ©Rajiv Chopra

People in society have vilified prostitutes through the ages. Men have gone to prostitutes for sex, paid for sex, bragged about this, and finally mocked the women.

Society mocks prostitutes and looks down at them. There are, of course, levels of prostitutes. At the bottom of the heap are the streetwalkers, and those who live in these brothels. Then, you climb the ladder, and you will find courtesans (now, long gone) and high-end hookers and companions.

But they all sell something: their body and their time. It’s a straight transaction, with no bullshit. Yet, we look down at them, and in the rare instances where we gaze at them, it is with a sneer. And men continue to lust after them.

The Politician

An icon of a politician
The Politician. ©Rajiv Chopra

The politician leads us, in the sense that an elected politician runs the country, the state, the municipality or whatever. They come to us for our votes, shake our hands, kiss babies, promise us the sky — if we vote for them.

The polished smiles, plastic faces and practiced lies are aimed at us until we vote. Once we do that, they rob the country, and do us harm.

They sell their souls, and the country. Would you call them a higher grade of prostitute?

The Priest

Icon of a Priest
The Priest. ©Rajiv Chopra

Priests promise us Heaven, and salvation. We must pray and we must obey the word of God. It’s important to realize that we do this for a fee.

In my experience, the more you pay, the quicker your access to ‘God’, and the longer you get to spend in His/Her Divine Presence.

The Priest tells you how to behave and creates many rules and laws for you. He rarely adheres to these same rules and laws. The Priest also defends his position in society and also tells you that his religion is better than the other. While he asks you not to cast the first stone, he encourages you to cast it if your neighbor follows a different faith.

It is not a matter of Divinity; it is a matter of Economics. Someone following a different faith will not pay him his fee. Therefore, the wars and the divisions in society.

They consort with prostitutes and politicians and criminals. In short, they sell their soul, and try to get you to sell yours.

In the End.

In The End. ©Rajiv Chopra

In the end we, as guardians of society’s morals, screw the prostitute.

We are screwed. And, to misquote Henry James, when it is time for The Turn of The Screw, we shall scream. Sadly, it will be to no avail.



Rajiv Chopra

From being a good corporate citizen, I am now a photographer, author &business advisor. India is my home. I also lived in the UK, China, Singapore & Switzerland